How to Disable Microsoft Defender without interaction on Device

I'm so happy to share my first article in English, help community all over the world for me is fantastic!
Today in this article i share you a way to disable Defender for Endpoint with Live Response, without interaction on the endpoint, in this way Helpdesk or IT are autonomous to do this activity.

I made the following steps to made it possibile:
  • Create Powershell Script to Disable Tamper Protection and Realtime Monitoring
  • Create Powershell Script to Enable Tamper Protection and Realtime Monitoring
  • Create Powershell Script to verify if operation is made correctly
To share you this i use my Tenant Microsoft 365 and one Endpoint that is onboarded on Microsoft Defender portal

Fig 1: Endpoint Onboarded on Microsoft Defender Portal

And i use Microsoft 365 E5 license, to view all Microsoft License i report to you Aaron Dinnage websites that show detailed license of Microsoft 365 Home | M365 Maps

Fig 2: License used for Demo

Ok let's go now i create the powershell script (is very fast and simply)

Fig 3: Script to Disable Tamper Protection and Realtime Monitoring

And now the second script to Re-Enable protection

Fig 4: Script to re-Enable Tamper Protection and Realtime Monitoring

Now I create the last script to check at monitor all MDE (Microsoft Defender for Endpoint) configuration

Fig 5: Script to check at monitor if configuration is correctly applied

Save all of script on your client, like Download Folder (i made this)

Fig 6: Script that i saved into Download Folder

Now I go to Microsoft Defeder Portal and open a Live Response session on one Endpoint (in my case SRVDOREMINIO)

Fig 7: Select Endpoint for Stop Protection

Fig 8: Open Live response session on Endpoint

Fig 9: Upload script on library of Live Response

Fig 10: Upload all script that you made in previous steps

Now we run "library" comand on live response to view all script that you upload on Library

Fig 11: Script that are on Library

Ok perfect, now we need to Enable "Troubleshooting mode" in this way we are able to stop Tamper protection with script:

Fig 12: enable Troubleshooting mode on endpoint

Wait up to 5 minutes and run Live Response Again

Fig 14: Run Script to View parameters before disable

Fig 15: Tamper e Realtime Enable

Now we Run Script to Disable protection

Fig 16: Script to Disable Protection

Fig 17: Protection Disable on Endpoint

Important: Troubleshooting mode still active for 4 hours after that Tamper protection still became ACTIVE

To Re-Enable Protection run EnableRealTime.ps1 on Live Response

Fig 18: Protection Enable Again


This is a solution to Disable Endpoint protection for test or for example when is necessary stop MDE for software update, in this way is not necessary to connect on Endpoint and activity is clear to user Side.

Enjoy MDE 😀